
 Medical Supplies Used in Common Procedures


Nowadays, with the advent of the internet, medical stores and suppliers have become more easily available on the internet. Hence, it has become easier to fetch the required medical supplies from a trustworthy medical supply store. However, first of all, you have to know what supplies do you need for performing basic procedures. We have provided a list of the various procedures and the supplies needed to perform them. 


I.V. Start Kits


In hospitals and dispensaries, you must have noticed nurses setting up intravenous saline drip through a tube, needle, or an intravenous bag. Nurses need the following medical supplies for the purpose: 


·             Alcohol pads, scrub

·             PvP ampule

·             Securement device

·             Gloves

·             Central Venous catheter insertion

·             Central line dressing change trays


General Purpose Procedures


General procedures include debridement, chest tube placement, drainage procedures, etc. For that, you need the following medical supplies: 


·             Compartment tray

·             Gloves

·             Gauge

·             Cotton balls and swabs

·             Scissors, forceps, and scalpels


Laceration Procedures


Laceration procedures involve treating cuts. Doctors and nurses clean the area and wrap it with a bandage to allow the healing and repair of the damaged cells. For this purpose they need the following medical products:


·             Syringes

·             Needle holders

·             Needles

·             Medicine cups

·             Scissors

·             Gauge

·             Forceps and 

·             Compartment trays 


Diabetic Procedures


These procedures include checking your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. These procedures can be done at home using the right equipment. These tools are mainly used for self-administered procedures, meaning that procedures that an individual can perform without a professional's assistance. For that you need the following supplies: 


·             Lancets, glucose meters, and glucose test strips and lancet drums for measuring the amount of sugar present in the blood. 


·             Ointments like hydrogel for treating the frequent needle- stick wounds because blood glucose level has to be tested at frequent intervals. 


·             Insulin syringes to inject some amount of insulin into the bloodstream. 


·             Proper disposal containers to dispose of this medical equipment. 


These are a few medical supplies that are needed to perform the above-mentioned procedures. If you are opting for first aid courses Melbourne, you would be knowing each of these procedures in detail. Not only that, with their quality training techniques, you would also become adept in providing people with quality first air services. 


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